Tuesday, 5 March 2013

"Assessing Google AdWords" Chapter 22: Another in-class assignment!

Today we briefly discussed Google AdWords and how Google is the biggest and most successful Ad Agency in the history of time.

We're supposed to think of five potential AdWords ads for our blogs, which fit a very specific template, and think of eight keywords that would be relevant to a Google search.

Here goes nothin'.


Five potential AdWords ads...

Attention! To ALL
current, potential, or wannabe
Communications Professionals!

News, Reviews, and Commentary.
A critical, scathing perspective.

I don't have all answers,
but we can discuss the questions.
Ethics and Reason will prevail.

Keeping integrity and
honesty in our modern media.
One blog at a time.

Modern Media
Through the eyes of a
Jaded Modern Man

Eight words and/or phrases that I think are indicative of my blog and important for people looking for it are... (in no particular order whatsoever...)

Nolan Bicknell
Blogging For Dummies
Journalistic Ethics and Integrity
Art and Commerce
Social Media Ethics
Public Relations Commentary
Product Placement
False Idolatry

If I was to actually do this campaign, I don't think the specific time of year would really matter, since most of the topics and blogs I've written are relatively universal and, dare I say... "timeless".

...Nah, I dare not.

During school is probably the best time, people tend to not seek out thought-provoking discussions about journalism, advertising, public relations, and general media when they're relaxing on the beach during summer months.

Thanks for reading!


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