Oscar Pistorius, the no-legged-man that can run faster than most two-legged-men, has been accused of shooting his wife, Reeva Steenkamp, around 3am in their exclusive, gated community in South Africa.
That's the basic story, but you can read more about it here.
This is, by far, the worst case of sports-hero-turned-villain story that we've heard about in years.
The man was, actually, an inspiration to millions of people around the world, and was given (justified) praise, fame, and millions of dollars in endorsements for his hard work, perseverence, and dedication.
What struck me through all of this (and through the Tiger Woods fiasco, the Lance Armstrong ass-hattery) is the pedastles we put people on, the false idols we create and worship, and the shock and horror that the public experiences when these human beings turn out to be... human. Or, allegedly, in Pistorius's case, not even that.
There are absolutely cases where true heroes exist. There are absolutely people in the world worthy of our admiration, idolatry, and of our ceaseless faith and adoration.
I would like to try and argue that sports figures and celebrities, more often than not, are not worthy of these levels of worship.
When kids are asked what they want to be when they grow up these days, they answer "Famous" or even, in some cases "Skinny" instead of "Fireman" or "Teacher". The culture we've devolved into is so far off the rails, and it's only going to get worse in the celebrity obsessed insanity these kids are being cultivated in.
Next time you're shopping, or you see a commercial that features Tiger Woods selling you a BMW, ask yourself "Why?" Why do I give a fuck what Tiger Woods drives. Why do I give a fuck what Brad Pitt wears? Why do I give a fuck about what Kim fucking Kardashian smells like?
But more importantly, educate the next generation that being a rich/famous isn't a virtue to covet, but teach them kindness, compassion, and generosity.
These are the traits to model one's self after.
Let's see if we can turn this ship around.
Watching: Sons of Anarchy reruns
to: Anything by Jack White
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