I don't know what it's going to take to change the minds of those that believe owning a high-powered assault rifle is a God-given right.
Kids, man.
20 kids, only five, six, or seven years old. They were murdered in Connecticut yesterday because an unstable, heartless monster had access to his mom's assault rifle and two handguns.
Kids. Not going to be able to grow up and experience their first kiss, first dance, first date, first love, first car, first A+, first F, first anything. Kids, man. Babies. They didn't even get a chance to be somebody.
Because in America, their society is governed by a piece of paper drafted over 200 years ago, and to some right-wing gun nuts, this document is infallible even in the wake of a horrific tragedy.
I get it. Bad things happen every day. Horrible things happen every day. Monsters exist and they want to lash out and hurt as many people as they can. Sometimes for no reason at all.
Yesterday, the same day as the Sandy Hook Elementary massacre, 22 children and one elderly woman were stabbed at a primary school in China.
22 children, no deaths.
Let me repeat that. No deaths.
Horrible things happen every day, but in a world where we know there are unstable monsters around every corner, we need to put strict access restrictions on weapons and tools that can cause widespread harm.
If the man in China had access to an assault rifle... you think those 22 children would still be alive?
High-powered, semi-automatic assault rifles aren't necessary to be in the hands of civilians. Trained, or untrained. They serve no purpose, other than a false sense of security from threats that don't exist.
Assault rifles are not necessary. End of discussion. Anyone who chooses to argue otherwise is choosing an archaic, 200 year-old document written during a different set of circumstances over the lives of 20 kids.
No one in their right mind can make that argument.
I "favorited" a bunch of tweets from yesterday. There was, and still is, a lot of emotion on Twitter and in the media, and for good reason. Here are some of them:
Twenty families have been ruined, forever, because America is a backwards Country that is so afraid of the monsters lurking in the dark, that they've created a perpetual horror-machine that breeds the very monsters that they're trying to protect themselves from in the first place.
Columbine, Littleton, Virginia Tech, dozens of others, and now Sandy Hook Elementary.
You're making it too easy for the monsters to succeed. Something needs to change or this perpetual horror-machine is going to continue to end life after life after life.
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